Our Community

We actively engage in our local communities, with a particular focus on healthcare and education.

Through initiatives such as supporting charity organizations and providing training opportunities for young people, we strive to make a positive impact in these sectors and contribute to the betterment of society.


Cebi actively engages in various initiatives:

  • Partnerships with universities worldwide, such as the University of Luxembourg and programs like Job Shadow Day.
  • A wide range of internship opportunities guiding them in their professional development journey.
  • Educational-related projects such as the Farmer in Mozambique, empowering individuals with agricultural knowledge and skills for sustainable livelihoods.

Photo: Job Shadow Day with Jong entrepreneuren Luxembourg

Job shadow day


Our plants actively contribute to various charity organizations, fundraising campaigns, and events, with a special emphasis on the healthcare domain.

  • Initiatives like supporting GRAAC hospital in Brazil, the Cancer Foundation, Voiles de l'Espoir, and Relais pour la Vie in Luxembourg, Feira da Bondade - APAE Bauru in Brazil are among the ways we can make a positive impact on healthcare.

  • We also support organizations like Fundación Niños de Cristal in Mexico by providing adapted vehicles, ensuring support for disabled individuals and their specific needs.

Photo: Cebi International supports Voiles de l'Espoir event for children in remission from cancer


Voiles de l'Espoir

Green Practices

We foster a holistic approach to creating a more environmentally responsible and socially conscious future through: 

  • Eco-friendly offices and plants through separate waste collection systems promoting recycling practices.
  • Support of green projects such as reforestation campaign in Mexico, where we contribute to environmental conservation and restoration of the natural environment.
  • Regular awareness campaigns to sensitize employees about the importance of green actions and sustainable practices.

Photo: Cebi Mexico commits to local reforestation program

Green Practices Cebi Mexico