
Have a look at what is happening at Cebi. New openings, important events, innovative products, we definitely have something that will catch your attention.

Innovative sensor cleaning system for electric and automated vehicles

Cebi is proud to announce the series introduction of its latest generation sensor cleaning system for premium “new mobility” applications. With electric powertrains and automated drive functions, these vehicles rely more and more on cameras and optical sensing devices that need to be kept clean. The Cebi sensor cleaning system improves the drive experience while increasing the safety of the vehicle.

Cebi presence at the IZB 2022

From October 11 to 13, the 11th edition of the IZB – International Suppliers Fair – was held in Wolfsburg, Germany.

Spotlight on Cebi's digital evolution

The Luxemburger Wort stopped by our factory in Steinsel (LU) to take a look at our flagship digital transition project: Industry 4.0 @Cebi. The article explains how we intend to improve our production processes to make them more efficient and flexible with the help of smart technologies.



Cebi Mexico was present at the CLELAC Mexico

From 7 to 9 September 2022, Cebi participated at the 9th edition of the Fair for Household Appliances CLELAC in Monterrey, Mexico.